Tierschutz (Dauerfaden) - aktuelle Projekte, Petitionen, Informationen, Anregungen


Wer bis zum 15. 07. hier spendet, dessen Spende wird von anonymen Spendern verdoppelt.

Schließlich müssen die geretteten Bären ja versorgt werden und das kostet viel Geld.

Ich habe übrigens gespendet und bin auch Dauerspender bei dieser Orga, die sich auch für andere Tiere in Asien einsetzt.


Das Ende vom Handel mit Pferdeblut? - ich hoffe man kann der Nachricht glauben schenken:

After years of investigative work by the Animal Welfare Foundation, its partners in Uruguay, and hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members like you taking action, Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) has cut all ties with horse blood farms in South America!

Thank you for campaigning against this sickening business. And thank you for not shying away from confronting the biggest and most powerful corporations out there.

Together, we’ve moved a pharma giant. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with. But we cannot stop here.

Cruel horse blood farms will still operate as long as there are pharma companies willing to buy their products -- and the next big player could step in and take over the business MSD has left behind.

XXX, will you share our campaign against IDT Biologika with your friends? The more we are, the better our chances of getting IDT Biologika to stop working with these torturous blood farms as well.